domingo, 28 de abril de 2013

Take off your shoes - Sinéad O'Connor

Hay veces que lo que se publica en este blog es una entrada meditada, buscada, incluso trabajada con rigor, o al menos, así se intenta, pero la más de las veces este blog es reflejo espontáneo de mis pensamientos y opiniones. Hoy esta entrada es un claro ejemplo de esto último que les digo. Vi este vídeo hace unos minutos en YouTube y no pienso en otra cosa que que sería un pecado no compartir este vídeo en  el blog.

Esta actuación de Sinéad O'Connor es una maravilla por muchas razones: porque es una gran canción, una gran voz, una estupenda interpretación, emocional, auténtica, natural, inundada de talento. ¡Una actuación perfecta! Intensamente viva y sincera. Un gustazo para los sentidos.

Este vídeo es, en mi opinión, la mejor actuación en televisión en directo que he visto este último año. ¡Pónganse en pie y quítense los sombreros!

 "Take Off Your Shoes"

I bleed the blood of Jesus over you
I bleed the blood of Jesus over you
And over every thing you do
Seven times I bleed the blood of Jesus over you
Take off your shoes--you're on hallowed ground
Take off your shoes--you're on hallowed ground
Even you can't lie when I'm around
Take off your shoes--you're on hallowed ground
Behold, at the last lamplight
At the very end of your street
I'm whispering something
"Come closer to me, come closer to me."
I say you're running out of battery
You're running out of battery
And I don't see no bunny
Around here
If you believed at all in your breviary
If you believed just even in the ghost of me
You wouldn't now be so surprised to see me
In vanity you took the name of me

You brought me into infamy
And now you're so surprised to see me
And now you're so surprised to see me
Behold, at the last lamplight
At the very end of your street
I'm whispering something
"Come closer to me, come closer to me."
I say you're running out of battery
You're running out of battery
And I don't see no bunny
Around here
Take off your shoes--you're on hallowed ground
Take off your shoes--you're on hallowed ground
Even you can't lie when I'm around
Take off your shoes--you're on hallowed ground
Take off your shoes--you're on hallowed ground
Take off your shoes--you're on hallowed ground
Even you can't lie when I'm around
Take off your shoes--you're on hallowed ground

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